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TANYAthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 2423 words) [1/27] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Mar 27 2013Views / Reads: 3537 / 2211 [63%]Part vote: 9.07 (15 votes)
An erotic romp with a hunky guy who works as a PA for a sexy business owner. Lots of tease, nudity and sex at work as well as many of my stripped in public scenarios to come! Feedback and ideas are appreciated.

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Some of my stories are true, others are not, a few are based off ideas I get while watching TV/movies, reading, out in public... who knows what inspires me and whether I thing to write my ideas down. This story is based loosely on an erotic graphic novel I read recently, a couple of porn clips I saw and really a mish-mash of thoughts and ideas.

As always any person, place, product or event mentioned is coincidental or unintentional and without permission or endorsement.

I knew when I applied for this job it would be challenging but the money and benefits were so good that any doubts I had were initially secondary. The salary is great, a company car and expenses are nice, and being around beautiful half naked women all day is beyond awesome but the best perk is every minute I can be near, around or close to Tanya, my sexy boss. Tanya is possibly the hottest, best looking woman I have ever met, seen or known and while she looks almost exactly like porn model/actress Jessica Jaymes I have to say she is actually better looking as hard as that is to believe. My title was personal assistant but I was expected to do financial work, assist in interviewing and hiring, deal with clients, manufacturers and seemed like a whole list of other duties. As Tanya put it I was expected to travel with her, assist her and just meet her needs when and where she had them. The upside of course was the credit cards, spending account, company car, smartphone, and so on while the downside was... well... you're about to see. ...

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