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At The Moviesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 3706 words)

Author: Chrissie Bentley Picture in profile
Added: May 09 2013Views / Reads: 5134 / 3528 [69%]Story vote: 9.78 (27 votes)
Watching a friend give a stranger a blowjob, and wishing that I was her....

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It is said that a stereotype is only truly offensive (and stereotypical) if it is true. In which case, memories of a certain Adults Only theater, in a medium-sized east coast city in the early-mid 1970s are very offensive indeed.

Even from the outside, the building stood out like a dirty nail on a manicured hand, an off-white pile that was erected in the 30s as the latest in contemporary architecture, and had neither been painted nor refurbished since then. One it had indeed been a proud and beautiful theater, but the mainstream movies had long stopped playing there.

Instead, a proprietor who looked as seedy as his establishment, specialized in what the low-key marquee insisted were Continental and Scandinavian features, all of which apparently starred the same blowsily made-up cartoon blonde, scantily clad and long since defaced beneath precisely the kind of graffiti you'd expect to find in such a place - ink-scrawled cocks and balls that assailed her from every direction, ribald commentaries that blossomed in speech bubbles, and enough jets of Magic Markered semen to float a battleship.

The place never closed. Early morning, on the way to class; late into the evening, on the way home from a friend's house, and at any hour in-between, one of two or three bored looking youths would be seated in the ticket booth; and, occasionally, you'd see an actual customer shuffling in or out of the main door, and he'd be as clichéd as the ...

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