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Therapy 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 4521 words) [4/6] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jun 11 2013Views / Reads: 1232 / 877 [71%]Part vote: 9.77 (13 votes)
Therapy takes a sharp turn as Tori wants to discuss what happened with Sara at the clinic, my feelings for her, and why Jane may be the reason for my sexual issues. be kind with your feedback as this is real and true and not always flattering.

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For every story I post that is contrived, exaggerated or just plain made up, I write one based completely on factual events. This story while somewhat embarrassing and sometimes may seem outrageous is completely true, and almost wholly unembellished. Some names are changed upon request or out of respect and certain details will be minimalized or left out, but this really occurred to me and as of writing is still ongoing.

With the exception of this being a true story and names being changed upon request, any people, places, products or events that are mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement.

I stood there on the sidewalk outside my clinic and let my mind wander in all directions I was trying to decide whether to call Tori or Jane when Sara drove by with a honk and then turned at the light. I stood there mulling over who to call first when my phone rang and Jane asked if I would take the girls to GameStop to trade in their games. I agreed and she said she loved me and hung up before I could say anything else so that was that. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to tell her about Sara anyways, so I called Tori and she said I should just come to the office and hung up. I called Jane and told her I would take the girls after my appointment with Tori and she asked "Oh is that today?" and then said "Ok, love you, bye." Not much later I was sitting in Tori's waiting area when Sara breezed through and screeched to a halt holding 2 cups of coffee and a bag of something. She set it all down on a table ...

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