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Author: jwdoney
Added: Jun 16 2013Views / Reads: 931 / 661 [71%]Part vote: 10.00 (12 votes)
in addition to sex, teasing and chaos with Jane, I finally finish telling Tori about teasing Jane years ago but the memory of Lisa in the doctors office years back is what has Tori distracted. Please share feedback.

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For every story I post that is contrived, exaggerated or just plain made up, I write one based completely on factual events. This story while somewhat embarrassing and sometimes may seem outrageous is completely true, occasionally abbreviated, and almost wholly unembellished. Some names are changed upon request or out of respect and certain details will be minimalized or left out, but this really occurred to me and as of writing is still ongoing.

With the exception of this being a true story and names being changed upon request, any people, places, products or events that are mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement.

Torrance looked different, not just her clothes and hair, not even the noticeable fact that she had none or very little make up on, there was something... reserved, detached, maybe professional or business like about her. She had on a charcoal pantsuit and blazer with a blue blouse, thin pearls and her long black hair was brushed and straight, but she just seemed... all business. She still greeted me friendly and hugged me and waited until I sat before she went behind her desk, then she asked "So how did it go?" I paused confused, then said "Uh Sara thought that..." Tori interrupted me and said "No I know all that. With Jane last night, what happened?" the notebook was open and pen in her hand as Tori waited and I shrugged and said "Well, it went surprisingly... uh great." Tori jotted something down then raised an eyebrow to suggest I elaborate. I told her how I literally walked in ...

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