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Reconnecting Over A Decade Laterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 5601 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Jul 22 2013Views / Reads: 2374 / 1721 [72%]Story vote: 8.75 (12 votes)
My husband reconnects with an old high school friend that we hadn't seen in over a decade...

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About three or four months ago my husband came home from work one day in a very good mood. I looked at him as he walked to the living room and asked him what was up. He told me that his old high school buddy had recently reached out to him through one of the social media websites. He hadn't heard from him in almost 15 years and was excited to reconnect. I asked him whom he was talking about and he told me that it was his friend Mike. I almost cringed when I heard the name because I knew exactly who he was talking about. My husband and Mike had gone to school together for several years and were extremely close friends back in the day. They used to do everything together and were very inseparable. One of the problems that I had with Mike was that he was very cocky and egotistical. He always thought that it was better than everyone in everything that he did. He used to work out like crazy and always thought that he looked better than everyone. I really didn't care for any of that and always try to pay no attention to him when he was around. One of the other problems I had with him was that before me and my husband started dating, we were all friends and we used all hang out together. Mike had tried on a few occasions to hook up with me but I never really gave him the time of day. I had found out from a few of my friends that he wanted to bang me. I won't deny that he was a pretty good-looking guy and if he wasn't so cocky I might have considered it, but at the time I was looking for something more long-term and didn't really care for his advances on me. Eventually my husband asked me out and we began dating and ended up getting married. Mike also found someone and actually managed to settle down with her. They ended up ...

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