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Neighborsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 981 words)

Author: Roy G Bef
Added: Sep 19 2013Views / Reads: 1618 / 1011 [62%]Story vote: 9.00 (10 votes)
Two people wind up in bed together for the first time. He always thought she was a lesbo. She always thought he was a wimp. But oh, is she tight!

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We were laying side by side on her bed, naked, kissing. Her lips were nibbling mine. God, they were soft. And when she started using her tongue I was in heaven. I paused for air.

-Well, how did we wind up here?

It was more an expression of surprise than a question.

-I think it was the wine. And the goodbye kiss. And your hard-on.

-Oh God.

-It's OK. One thing leads to another.

-I always thought you were a lesbo.

-I always thought you were a wimp.

Another round of soft kisses.

I pressed her up against me and on the count of three rolled over on my back, with her on top of me.


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