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If This Couch Could Talkthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3761 words)

Author: Bobby_J
Added: Oct 29 2013Views / Reads: 2055 / 1677 [82%]Story vote: 9.33 (9 votes)
Mia, Paul' coworker, asks him to accompany her as she meets a potential buyer of her old couch she met online. Paul's marital faithfulness is put to the test when they have one last seat on the old couch.

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Paul was 32, an accountant, and had been with the firm for 8 years. Paul was happily married and had two children. Paul was still happily married about 3 years ago when the office hired Mia. Mia worked two jobs, one as a secretary in the office, and on the weekends she was a bartender at a couple hot places around town. Mia was 25, with long dark hair and dark eyes. She had pale skin and a few tattoos and piercings. Mia always wore makeup and had a pinup girl look to her, very curvy hips with bright pouty lips. She was everything Paul didn't have and yet desired. From the first time he met her he wanted her.

They quickly became work acquaintances. They would chat at work, and at a few happy hours, but nothing serious. In fact, Paul never really even flirted with Mia, nor she with him. Paul was married and everyone knew it. He never cheated, even when he had had chances. Mia was living with a guy and honestly was more focused on her jobs and bills than anything else. So that's how things were for a couple of years. They exchanged office pleasantries but no more than that.

Then things changed a bit. Mia had come in a little less cheery one morning and Paul asked her if she was ok. She told him she had split with her boyfriend and that they were in the process of moving out of the shared house. Mia told him that her boyfriend was just too immature and she was done. What seemed to be bothering her the most was the inconvenience of moving. What was hers? What was his? What about the things neither of them want? It was just stressful. Paul gave her his ...

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