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Michelle's Turnthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 1579 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Day Dreamer
Added: Nov 08 2013Views / Reads: 844 / 517 [61%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
Michelle started my day with an amazing blowjob. Now it's her turn to receive pleasure.

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I spent my work day trying to concentrate on my job, but my mind was firmly locked on thoughts of my sexy wife. I started the day with a fantastic blow job, and the night held the prospect of making love to Michelle. All day long, images of her sexy body writhing in pleasure played out in my mind. There were a couple of awkward moments when someone stopped in my office while I had a hard-on. I think I may have appeared a bit brisk in dismissing them.

Michelle and I work too far apart to have lunch together, but we usually FaceTime, talk on the phone, or text as we eat. It's kind of like eating together. At lunchtime, I closed my office door, pulled out my sandwich (not a euphemism for my dick, an actual sandwich -- it was lunch). I got my phone out and started FaceTime. Michelle's smiling face came on the screen.

"Hello there, Sexy Lady!" Her smile brightened even more. "Hey there, Lover. How's your day going?" I smiled at her, "It's been fine, but it's great now that I can see your perfect face. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again this evening." Michelle looked slyly at me, "I'm looking forward to that too; I really need to cum! Now don't get me started now, I don't want to get wet at work!"

I was about to make a witty reply when I heard a knock on Michelle's office door. "Hang on, Babe. Come in." I heard the office door open and a female voice say, "Pardon me, but Ruth told me to give this file ...

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