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Peggingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex with toys, 2749 words)

Author: Rich
Added: Nov 20 2013Views / Reads: 2780 / 1710 [62%]Story vote: 9.73 (11 votes)
A wife finds out her husband has thought about being taken with a strap-on and she's fantasized many times about just that. So, she goes shopping and comes home to make it a reality.

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"Hey, Hon," Tina yelled when she came in the door and didn't see Larry in the living room. She walked around the bar and, when he wasn't in the kitchen either she yelled again, "I'm home."

She saw that the back sliding patio door was open with the screen closed so she figured he was out in his workshop. She smiled to herself and was sort of glad that she had a few minutes alone anyway.

Tina went to the bedroom, carrying the bag she'd brought in with her, and took off her work clothes except for her panties and bra. She looked at herself in the full mirror and couldn't help but feel good about her appearance. At 45 she was still in pretty good shape. Her tall, 5' 11" frame handled her 160 pounds quite well and she always admired her own full breasts that, with the help of the bra, didn't sag a bit. Tina stood there several minutes before turning and looking over her shoulder at her own bubble butt. She grinned when she imagined it being Larry's bubble butt and wondered just how cute his butt was going to be in the new panties she'd bought for him.

As she took the panties out of the bag she remembered buying them at Sears. They were close enough to her own size that it wasn't going to be at all suspicious at the register. But the bra had been a different matter all together. She knew that Larry would take at least a 46, which was obviously way larger than she would wear, and she wanted the cup to be appropriate and the B cup she had chosen would never fit over ...

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