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Holiday Vacation Part IIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1344 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Janyce
Added: Dec 26 2013Views / Reads: 1283 / 999 [78%]Part vote: 9.64 (11 votes)
Dana & Jonathan arrive at their vacation home and are enjoying themselves.

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The landing was smooth into the St. Thomas airport. Seeing the crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches brought all kind of ideas into Dana and Jonathan's mind.

Both of them were thinking about the guy in the second row. Dana loved the attention and desired to try it out. She always wanted to see Jonathan's reaction to her being screwed by another man. She's always talked about a threesome, but with there being a chance . . . hmmm

Jonathan wondered how far would Dana be willing to go with him. Jonathan would love to see another man fuck his wife, but didn't know if Dana would be game. They'd been together for 20 years and have never strayed. But they were in Paradise! Anything could happen.

As they exited the plane, the sunshine lit up Dana's nipples under her dress. Those big nipples of hers got her "hellos" and "good afternoon Ma'm" from the airport workers. As they walked passed the windows of the waiting area, Jonathan hung back a bit to admire that ass that was all his.

He also noticed that he wasn't the only one admiring Dana. The man from the plane was not only admiring her but was licking his lips. WOW! He really wants a part of her.

Entering the airport they were greeted by steel pan music and samples of ...

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