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Earning A Raisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3971 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Jan 13 2014Views / Reads: 3325 / 2800 [84%]Story vote: 9.05 (19 votes)
Got myself into some serious debt and my husband said he wouldn't give me a penny for it....

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Several months ago, I got myself into some financial trouble and needed to come up with a solution to solve it. My husband had already told me that he would not give me a single penny to pay off the debts that I had created so I was pretty much on my own to figure them out. I didn't have a job at the time so I quickly started scanning the papers as well as the web to see if I could find something. After a couple of weeks of searching, I landed a couple of interviews but nothing panned out because of my lack of experience. I was having a tough time finding something that would give me a decent check. Then my luck changed as I browsed the web one afternoon and came across a help wanted ad. It was for an assistant position in an office a few towns over. I decided to give it a shot because the ad said that there wasn't any experience needed. I figured what was the worst that could happen. I filled out the application online and send it in, hoping for the best. A couple days later as I sat at home, the phone rang. I answered it and there was a woman on the other end asking for me. I told her that she had me, and it turned out that she was calling from the office. They had gotten my application and wanted me to come in for an interview. I was excited as we set up an appointment for the following day.

The following morning, I dressed nicely and headed down to the office for my interview. I arrived a short time later and went up to the fifth floor where the office was located. The main secretary greeted me and told me to have a seat and that the boss would be with me shortly. I sat down in the office and waited for the boss to call for me. As I ...

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