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Driven To the Breaking Pointthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3613 words)

Author: Redhot_363236 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 30 2014Views / Reads: 3420 / 2420 [71%]Story vote: 9.63 (19 votes)
"I trembled with pleasure as his hungry mouth moved down from my lips to my heaving breasts and his fingers moved from my nipples to probe the intimate depths between my thighs"

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I had never cheated on my husband in twenty-three years of marriage, but he was absolutely convinced that I was having an affair and obsessed with the idea of getting me to admit it. The Inquisition had worn on all summer and after spending the last couple months of getting grilled about it on a near daily basis, I found out that he was having an affair of his own.

When I confronted him about it, he insisted that his affair was perfectly justified since I was already having one, and refused to believe that I hadn't. Far from helping matters, if anything, confronting him about his own affair only seemed to have intensified his obsession with getting me to admit to an affair that had never happened; and as the interrogations wore on day after day, I got to thinking that if it was already a forgone conclusion that I was sleeping around, maybe I should just go ahead and do it.

It was about one o'clock one afternoon when the lead man came around telling us we were going home two hours early. At that moment, I happened to be standing by my work bench talking to one of my co-workers who made a comment that I could come over to his place for two hours and nobody would know.

He was one of several guys I had fun flirting with during the day, and remarks like that weren't at all uncommon. Nobody took it too seriously and any other time, I probably would have laughed him off; but this ...

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