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A year of Firsts - Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3138 words) [2/26] show all parts

Author: melaniej
Added: Jan 20 2001Views / Reads: 5634 / 5120 [91%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
A further discovery of my body and the power of fantasy. As with part one, it is a true story. Feedback Welcome.

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This is the second part, of many, about me and one incredible year in my life. I want to make it clear that everything in these stories is true. In a couple of instances where my memory failed me (it has been a dozen years) I have taken a few liberties but have based them on the facts I do remember. The names, except my own, have been changed and a few minor alterations were made to meet the requirements of this site. I've tried to capture as best I can the detail of each of these moments. To me, the detail contains the true eroticism of each event. Feedback is welcome.

The next morning I was disgusted with myself. I felt I had done a terrible thing that was really against everything I believed in. I promised myself that I would be stronger in future, and sleep with the window shut if necessary. And I was very good. I quickly returned to my usual self and had barely a sexual thought for almost two weeks. The couple next door helped out by deciding to make their bedroom on the other side of the house by combining two smaller rooms. Life quickly returned to normal for me. I was in my final year of school, which had just started. I was studying harder than ever.

One Saturday night however, I had been at my best friend, Anna's house doing some maths with her and by the time I got home my parents had gone. They had gone to dinner at a friend's house and I knew they wouldn't be back till late.


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