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Thanking Himthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2651 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Mar 27 2014Views / Reads: 3832 / 3285 [86%]Story vote: 9.29 (21 votes)
While on vacation, my husband gets drunk and needs help getting back to our hotel room....thankfully, we make some new friends who help us....

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This past summer, my husband and I decided to take a couple days off and get away from everything. We had recently started a family and with that came a lot of responsibilities and stress. My mother volunteered to watch our baby so that we could have a couple days to ourselves. We booked a room down the shore at a nice resort, which was also located on the beach. We were both pretty excited and couldn't wait for our trip. The next couple of weeks went by slowly and the day of our vacation finally arrived. We packed everything into the car and after dropping our son off with grandma, we were finally on our way. It was a four-hour ride and thankfully we didn't hit any traffic. We arrived at the resort in the afternoon and after checking in, we put on our swimsuits and headed down to the pool. We ended up spending the rest of the afternoon lounging by the pool and taking a walk on the beach before calling it a night.

The next morning we got up and decided to go out for breakfast. We went to a local eatery and enjoyed a meal. We then returned back to our room to throw on our swimsuits. Once we were ready, we headed out to the beach and took a nice long walk. Eventually, we headed back to the resort to lounge by the pool and enjoy the sun. My husband went into the pool as I laid on a chair, working on my tan. As I laid there, I took a glance around at everyone who was lounging by the pool and noticed a couple of guys looking in my direction. As I looked at them, they smiled at me. I politely smiled back at them and continued glancing around at everyone. After a bit of swimming, my husband came ...

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