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The Reverend, part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3000 words) [2/7] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: Aug 21 2014Views / Reads: 2231 / 1812 [81%]Part vote: 9.55 (20 votes)
Nellie's training begins...

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At the vicarage Nellie was surprised to discover that she had her own maid. As a servant she had always had to do everything for herself. Her maid was called Anne. To her surprise, Anne was a black girl, about her own age. Nellie had seen black people in the distance but never actually spoken to a black person. Anne brought jugs of hot water up from downstairs and filled a galvanized steel bath. She then helped Nellie out of her clothes. Nellie was a bit self-conscious being naked for the first time in front of another person. Well, apart from pulling her skirts up in the carriage. Now she thought back on it, she felt ashamed and guilty that she'd agreed to do it, although she had to admit to herself that it had been the most exciting thing that she had ever done.

Once she was naked, Nellie stepped into the hot bath and stood there. Anne took a sponge and soap and gently washed Nellie all over. She'd never had such an experience, the hot water, her own maid, her unaccustomed nakedness in front of another person. She felt a little embarrassed when Anne rubbed the sponge over her breasts and immediately her nipples went hard. But she couldn't believe it when Anne made her move her feet apart and rubbed the sponge between her legs, washing her most intimate place. The soft sponge rubbing over her feminine folds felt good though, both the physical stimulation and the sense of complete freshness. She had no idea what use the Reverend intended to make of her quim, but better that it was nice and clean for him. ...

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