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Never Lie to Trishthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4927 words)

Author: Jayson Kay
Added: Nov 13 2014Views / Reads: 4363 / 2612 [60%]Story vote: 9.57 (14 votes)
A curvaceous white wife takes out her marital frustrations on her sexy black coworker.

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Trish hung up the phone in disgust and silently sat in her cubicle, resisting the urge to crawl under her desk and cry. She felt mislead, unimportant and worst of all, she felt rejected. And for her, rejection brought up all those painful memories she thought she had left behind.

Ever since she could remember, Trish had been hearing all the patronizing compliments that are the bane of every overweight girl: "She was cute, she was adorable; she had such a pretty face! She could be gorgeous if only she would just... lose... a little... weight..."

It didn't matter that she had stunningly gorgeous blue eyes or big luscious lips with a cute button nose. It didn't matter and neither did her silky smooth blonde hair or even her massive DD tits. No matter how many compliments she got or how many guys secretly checked her out, at the end of the day Trish was always just the "really cute fat chick."

Of course, being that cute fat chick didn't mean she lacked for attention from guys. Far from it in fact; boys at school, boys at parties, even the occasional teacher or boss all tried to fuck her. Many of them were successful but almost none of them ever wanted to date her. Trish was always the late night call, the dirty little secret, the girl who did the things that wives and girlfriends wouldn't do, the girl that got laid plenty but loved little.

And usually that was good enough for her. She was a very sexual person ...

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