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Kim's Wedding Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 5810 words)

Author: demonoid1 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 27 2001Views / Reads: 8482 / 7466 [88%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Conroy & Kim just got married & are on their honeymoon. That's just the start of their troubles

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KIMS WEDDING NIGHT Written by: Wolf Edited By: M'Lady Written by: WOLF Edited by: M'Lady

Conroy couldn't believe that his new bride could put away so many drinks. Since they got to the reception, Kim drank 6 drinks and was in the process of downing # 7. Conroy looked at his watch. It was almost 11PM. They had to get going if they were to make the hotel by 5AM. After a day in the hotel, they were going to board a plane and honeymoon in Hawaii. If he didn't get Kim away soon, she'd be too drunk for what he had planned. They had changed into their regular clothes and now Conroy was getting impatient.

Conroy walked to Kim's side. "Honey, we'd better get a move on. We don't have all that much time. I've got a long drive and we'll both need a rest before boarding the plane."

Kim looked at her new husband through bleary eyes. They had met in college and fell madly in love. She considered herself lucky to catch such a handsome devil. They had dated through six years of college and now, here they were, getting married shortly after graduation. Conroy was now a successful businessman and they could afford a grand honeymoon. She held out her small hand and Conroy took it in his. As Conroy led her to their van, their friends began to throw rice in their direction. Kim and Conroy waved good-bye as they drove off. On the two ...

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