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BIG man!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2497 words)

Author: Lyn Picture in profile
Added: Mar 22 2015Views / Reads: 5027 / 3183 [63%]Story vote: 9.68 (31 votes)
"Bum in the air" he teased and gave my soft bum cheek a gentle spank to emphasise the point. "NOT up my arse!" I told him "No, no" he reassured me "I just want to fuck you from behind. You've got a gorgeous bott

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Big man

In my late teens I got seduced a lot by older men. Now I'm 46 , any markedly older men would be pensioners, but back then there was pleEEEnty of scope.

There was a huge Karaoke party at a hotel in Birmingham, arranged and hosted by my then employer. There was a huge amount of free booze available.

I didn't like to go home to my mom's really drunk, so I tended to book hotel rooms, and if I'd booked a hotel room, I may just as well have my fill of the free booze.

By midnight everyone was very very drunk. My friends and I had gathered, a dozen of us round one microphone screeching "Girls just wanna have fun".

It has to be done.

Once the adrenalin of my onstage performance had kicked out, I started to feel really rather unwell. Faint, almost.

Luckily there was a knight in shining armour to aid me. A Damsel Gin Distress. ...

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