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Quantum Fuck 10> Miss dowdythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4021 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 26 2015Views / Reads: 793 / 487 [61%]Story vote: 9.71 (7 votes)
Some while after I returned from my African adventure, I decided to visit a local park. There, I took it upon myself to liven up the otherwise dull (sex) life of a dowdy woman; ‘which one of the three of them, though,’ I pondered.

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What with it being early autumn in London, England, the weather was substantially hot, though nowhere near that of my recent African holiday. About this time of the year I'll visit one of the local parks in the area and see if I can spot a frumpy young woman who's not quite otherwise enjoying herself, and weave my magic upon her.

As I looked around, I espied three possible benefactors of my special powers and took my time considering which one.

‘No, definitely not,' I concluded, in respect of the one with a young child, though how she got banged up with a kid, dressed as she was, amazed even me. Mulling over the second one, who was leant against some railings that surrounded a garden, one that had a flowing river beyond it, my attention moved to my third choice. A young looking woman, not too badly dressed and who was being pestered, almost, by two teenage boys who seemed to be waiting for someone, as the toilets were situated in a building not far away from where the three were. Sure enough, moments later, another guy - black with it - joined them. ‘I hope he's remembered to wash his hands,' I thought, as I made my way over to the ...

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