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Quantum Fuck: 15> the Train journeythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3747 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Apr 30 2015Views / Reads: 2491 / 1198 [48%]Story vote: 10.00 (7 votes)
What with it being my spring holiday, I decided to visit my parents who live near the otherwise sunny Cornwell coast. Taking an overnight train down there, in a sleeper compartment, I happened upon Naomi, a perfect host for my ‘body swap power’.

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In view of the fact that it was a long journey to the Cornish coast - I didn't happen upon Naomi until late on - I'd very much like to tell you about, as much as ES will permit, the time when I first realised my special powers.

Age 16, I was coming home from school. Sex at the time was of very little importance to me, noted by the fact that I was still a virgin. What with my being an unexpected arrival to my parents - both of them in their early 40's at the time - we were living in South East London; they retiring to the Cornish coast some 20+ years later.

In all, there were some three ways to get from home to school and then back again. Through a small park with flowery gardens in it; along the pavement/road that ran beside it; or, as was the case on this particular day, a path that ran alongside a high wall, one that enclosed a building of some sort, which I noticed from the iron gates at the top of the hill.

I must have strolled about 14 feet, only to then hear a loud moaning ...

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