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Threat of foreclosurethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3844 words) [1/11] show all parts

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: May 11 2015Views / Reads: 3520 / 2458 [70%]Part vote: 9.26 (19 votes)
Adam and Tanya find themselves deep in debt and out of options. Fighting to save their undervalued home, Tanya hears of a way out.

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Foreclosure-the beginning By slyfox

For those of you that are familiar with my work, it will come as no surprise that the first part of the story is for introduction of the characters and to set the tone and theme. I hope you take the time to get to know Adam and Tawnya before diving into the action scenes. It makes the story much more entertaining. This is loosely based on an actual experience. I What are the odds of both husband and wife getting laid off from high paying jobs at two different companies at the same time? Then, to make matters worse, still be out of work a year later?

Adam and I had put money back toward any emergency and there were two CD's as well. We thought we were doing well but then we got careless. We bought our dream home on the beach with a fantastic view, oversized pool, the whole works. Even with a large down payment, the monthly payments were outrageous but what the hell, we were making money hand over fist. Of course, we were spending it even faster what with the two new cars and the cruiser and the trips to everywhere. Like many young couples, we got cocky and totally materialistic, but then all hell broke loose. Within six months the cruiser was gone and two months later, we were selling everything we could just to make that damned house payment.

We talked to the bank several times but they were no help at all and in ...

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