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The Art of seduction: 3> Office politicsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3704 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: May 28 2015Views / Reads: 3239 / 2037 [63%]Story vote: 9.44 (9 votes)
It was a warm July summer’s day. With some 30 minutes before their meeting with a couple of executives, Alison and Natasha decided to cool down with some water while they went over their notes, only to then notice the young fanciable water boy.

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"So, how was your weekend," enquired Natasha, of her fellow work colleague Alison.

"I take it you want to know all the sordid details," she intoned, adding one of her naughty grins.

"That good," Natasha marvelled at her.

"And then some, girlfriend," she all but chuckled.

Normally, both women would be hard at work at their distinct areas of the office, however, on this particular morning, they had to prepare the smaller of two board rooms for their meeting with a couple of executives while also going over their notes.

As with most years, July, which falls in the middle of summer, was notably hot that day. Both women, knowing they had a meeting to attend, dressed professionally and with due consideration towards the warmth of the office; there was always the availability of water to cool them down.

Neither of them saw a reason to wear hose of any kind while both had chosen a blouse and skirt suit combo over the thinnest of bras and lace thongs; the coldness of the material maintaining a coolness down there.


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