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Threat of foreclosure - Part 6this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2793 words) [6/11] show all parts

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Jun 09 2015Views / Reads: 936 / 655 [70%]Part vote: 8.89 (9 votes)
Training days are over and the team grows with the introduction of two new male leads much to the girl’s pleasure

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Threat of Foreclosure - Part 6

By Slyfox

New Talent

Training days are over and the team grows with the introduction of two new male leads much to the girl's pleasure

At the end of day, as I sat in my car, letting my mind run free, I got hit by the worse attack of negativity I'd ever experienced. No particular reason and nothing to blame it on, or so I thought at the time. Some would call it the funk but that would be a terrible understatement. It was almost full blown fear, but fear of what? And then it hit me and when it did, I didn't want to go home, especially not then.

I only had one more training session and then what? There was absolutely nothing on the scheduling board, and the rumors of more work were just that...rumors. Adam would have his guns ready and I wouldn't even have a slingshot.

I had a thousand reasons to stay and to be honest, most of them involved sex. I had never experienced that level of intensity, and I wanted more...lots more. Even as I sat there, I could feel Gregory's long ...

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