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I Earn My Husbands Promotionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4770 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Jun 13 2015Views / Reads: 6385 / 4469 [70%]Story vote: 9.48 (23 votes)
I meet my husbands boss at a company dinner and end up earning the promotion for my husband...

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I was sitting home late one afternoon, browsing through the help wanted ads when my husband arrived from work. He seemed to be very excited as he made his way into the house. I got up to greet him and he said that he had some great news. He told me that we had been invited to a company dinner at his boss's house and apparently this was a big deal. He said that the boss only invited certain employees over to his house for these dinner parties and usually those employees were the ones that were either the highest paid employees or became some of the highest paid employees. He was very excited as he gave me all the details and told me that this was a very high-end party and we had to look very nice. I was excited because hopefully this meant a nice promotion was coming his way. We certainly needed the money and it would be great if he were to get a promotion. Things are very tight lately since I was out of work and we had our one-year-old son to think about. I was looking for work but wasn't having any luck finding it so hopefully this would work out for us. As he told me the details, he told me that there was one slight problem with his boss. It seemed that because he had made so much money at such a young age, he was very cocky and more times than not, he openly flirted with any woman that he came in contact with. That meant that he would probably flirt with me along with the other wives at the dinner and my husband asked that I just put up with it for the evening so that things could go good. Normally, I wouldn't stand for it but since this invitation was such a big deal, I would put up with it so that things would hopefully work out well for us. He finished giving me all the details before we sat down and had ...

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