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Guest Services: Owenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 8796 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: Jun 13 2015Views / Reads: 4715 / 3215 [68%]Part vote: 9.72 (29 votes)
Owen has won a photography award with a prize of a free trip to Montreal. Tiffany bets Michele she can't seduce him the first night he is at her hotel. Of course Michele is going to try...

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I have this fan who gets unhappy if Michèle, the guest service manager at a hotel in Montréal, doesn't appear a story for more than a year. What is more, he has good ideas for who should visit and what Michèle should be bet.

He suggested that Owen, the photographer from Duct Tape and Pink Panties, should win a photography competition and a trip to Montréal. And so it is...

This story contains enough of the back-story that it stands on its own, although if you have access to all my stories you might want to read Duct Tape and Pink Panties (where the photographer Owen and Disney star Tiffany first appear) and some of the Guest Services series which all star Michèle with a variety of men (and a few women).

Chapter 1: The Desert

It was a Monday and Owen was in his studio doing some retouching of photographs he'd taken of the desert. Of course these days retouching meant Photoshop not some subtle skill such as dodging with the enlarger. His phone vibrated in his pocket. But he was busy and it ...

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