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Brief encounters: 1> Stolen momentsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3233 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 18 2015Views / Reads: 2391 / 1376 [58%]Story vote: 8.90 (10 votes)
After a heated and quite unexpected sex session with her male PA, Stacy Moore minded James of his position.

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Outline of story: After a heated and quite unexpected sex session with her male PA, Stacy Moore minded James of his position.

Introduction/Author's note: As the imprint title (Brief encounters) indicates, the 12 stories relate to impulsive, quickie sex, and so, in that sense, they are relatively short.

In the main, the stories are some that, over the past four years of publishing my stories on Erotic Stories.com, and having come up with a title and story idea, I've then realised, in my mind, were on the short side. Therefore, do please bear that in mind when you read and come to vote for them. Additionally, you will have to suspend disbelief for at least one of them, much like that of Clark Kent's alter ego.


"That was incredible, Stacy," extolled James.

"Stolen moments usually are," she rejoined, and then wiped her PA's cum from her still heaving breasts before licking and sucking his cock dry afterwards.

"Just don't let what happened, as enjoyable as it was, James, go to your head. You're my PA and I'm your boss, remember that," Stacy impressed upon him. ...

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