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Memorable Anniversarythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2828 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Jul 03 2015Views / Reads: 4769 / 3470 [73%]Story vote: 9.08 (12 votes)
My husband and I celebrate our anniversary with a few friends and I get quite the gift...

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A couple of years ago, I wrote about the memorable night that I had when my husband and I got married. For those who didn't read the story, I'll give you a quick refresher about what happened that night. A few years back, my husband and I decided that we wanted to start a family so we set out to get married. Being that we had been together for almost 13 years, we really didn't want to make it a big thing. After so many years together, it was as if we were married already so technically it was just signing papers to us. We were content with going down to City Hall and getting everything squared away quickly and easily. My mother on the other hand, decided that she wanted to make a big deal about it. She decided that she wanted to throw us a big reception and took care of it all. We ended up inviting all our close family and friends and once we were done in City Hall, we all headed to the restaurant. Altogether, there were probably over 100 people at the reception.

Everyone had the time of their life that night and overly enjoyed themselves. As the night went on, the alcohol flowed and there were many people who were feeling it, including myself. I found myself on the dance floor, dancing the night away with our friend Mike. The two of us spent most of the night on the dance floor, rocking out to the music and having a blast. It was the most fun that I had enjoyed in a very long time and I let loose since my husband spent most of the night at one of the tables, drinking and chatting it up with some of the women guests. I had lots of fun and after a couple hours of dancing and drinking, I was pretty hot and wound up. Mike suggested grabbing a ...

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