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Taking Rebeccathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 4915 words)

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jul 28 2015Views / Reads: 1379 / 881 [64%]Story vote: 9.00 (8 votes)
True story how a close friend and I carried on a torrid affair while each in serious relationships with other people. Could also be SEDUCTION and ONE on ONE.

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This is a completely true story and is not exaggerated in any way except that names have been changed because nowadays someone knows someone who knows someone you know. Think about it. Unlike my fictional story "ALICIA AND THE BIKINI STORE" set in Orange Park and Jacksonville, Florida, this really happened when I lived and worked there.

Any people, places, products or events mentioned or referred to is done so without permission or endorsement.

This story takes place in the 1990's before cell phones, internet or next generation gaming consoles, or at least I didn't have or use any of the three yet. I was living with a friend in a garage converted to a room and looking to move into an actual place at the time. I was the cashier manager at a well known, popular BBQ restaurant in Orange Park and was dating one of my cashiers named Jennifer. Not my eventual wife, but the third of four Jennifers I have dated in my lifetime. She did not like to be called Jen or Jenny but she was the one who got me saying "Baby" as many of my exes and most of my readers will recognize. As now and then I have written true stories, this takes place before I met Linda and if I have described Rebecca previously, this story replaces any descriptions of her.

Jennifer was 5'10", blonde, athletic and beautiful but she was strong willed and she was the first girl I had ever known who could be exceedingly loyal, possessive and clingy AND wanted her own time, space ...

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