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I Meet His Friendthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2712 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Aug 01 2015Views / Reads: 1324 / 891 [67%]Part vote: 9.17 (6 votes)
A few months ago I met up with a fan who enjoyed my stories and after a few get-togethers, we began having some fun.... Now he introduces me to one of his friends....

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About six or seven months ago, some of you may have read about my meeting with one of my biggest fans. For those who didn't, I'll give you a quick update. Back in November, after a couple of conversations with my husband, I took his advice and browsed around on one of the websites that he frequented. It was obviously a porn website, however you could create an account and post stories, pictures and videos and you could also connect with other users. It was almost like a social media site, except it was pornographic. With my permission, my husband created a profile and had posted several pictures and videos of us on there. He had told me how I was getting complements several times a day and one afternoon, I decided to check it out for myself. I read all the compliments that I was getting and they made me feel great. While I was doing that, a message box popped up and out of curiosity I clicked on it. It was a fan of our profile and he was trying to start a conversation. I decided to go along with it because I had nothing else to do and ended up spending an hour or so chatting with this guy online. His name was Ron and as it turned out, he was from the same state as us. After chatting with him, I told my husband over dinner because we didn't keep any secrets from each other. He was happy about it and encouraged me to continue using the site and chatting with whoever I wanted.

Sure enough, I went on the next day and after a little bit, Ron opened up another conversation with me. We chatted it up and ended up doing this a few times a week for the next couple of weeks. Naturally, I ...

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