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The Yellow Dress 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 4287 words)

Author: jwdoney
Added: Aug 07 2015Views / Reads: 1056 / 723 [68%]Story vote: 9.50 (10 votes)
A chance encounter with a beautiful woman who looks past my shattered confidence and her own indifference. A true story that can only unfold if Whitney lets it.

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This is a true story that happened to me today, just a while ago in fact. Some names have been changed upon request, but everything else is told in exact detail.

Any people, places. products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement.

It happened quite simply, innocently enough. I was sitting in the lobby of a temp to hire agency filling out paperwork and talking to the father of a teen also applying. She got out of a Jeep and blew my mind. I have had dated beautiful women in my life, slept with, even married one. I look at pictures on the internet and Facebook, I openly admit to viewing Porn, I read Playboy. This woman was just flat out hot, no other way to describe her. She was about 5'10" with long wavy blonde hair, she had on black heels and a sexy yellow dress. It was sleeveless and snug, clingy, and showed off her body well. She had easily a 34D chest that seemed firm and natural, a fantastic smile and she stunned me, she was that good looking. The dress was just amazing, and from her chest to her thighs, every few inches there was a line of fringe or tassels all the way around her, and the pattern repeated every few inches. The father I was chatting with stared at her as well and said "Good Lord" and I said "I know right?"

She went into Jimmy John's and we went back to our paperwork, and thankfully she came back out a few minutes later carrying a small bag. ...

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