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Captivated 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 6743 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Aug 18 2015Views / Reads: 739 / 435 [59%]Part vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
Despite a confusing argument, things are going great with Kelly as our passion heats up, but what happens the first time I tell Jen no? This slow burn begins to heat up!

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This is a work of fiction inspired by some of my real life events with some of my hopes and dreams blended in, there will be lust and sex, but this is a romance, read it knowing that a romance can still be sexy and funny, so please just enjoy the story?

Any people , places, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission.

How either of us got to sleep, in our own rooms, in separate beds, I have no idea, plus that little stinker Halo abandoned me and most likely went to sleep with Kelly. I awoke with Halo on my pillow with her paws on my head and sighed... it was easy to forgive Halo. I petted her and she stretched, yawned and looked at me as if to say "Go back to sleep, it's not noon yet". Kelly came in and she smiled shyly and I lifted the covers and she slipped in beside me. She was wearing a t-shirt and blue panties and she peeked under the covers and saw my underwear and said "I'll snuggle with you if you behave" I said "No promises" and she bit her lip and said "Fair enough". Halo got up and left and Kelly and I stared at the door and then Kelly laughed and said "Nice of her to let us live here". I laughed and said "Oh my God, someone that finally gets it". Kelly snuggled against me and sighed and I held her. I was slipping my hand under the back of her shirt and she was watching me quietly and when my hand found the top of her panties she sighed and said "That's trouble down there, you don't want any".


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