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Finding Kelsey 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 9043 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Dec 20 2015Views / Reads: 5115 / 2995 [59%]Part vote: 9.67 (15 votes)
John is getting over a painful breakup when his sister introduces him to Kelsey and the sparks fly, romance begins and passion flares. Meanwhile what does his ex-girlfriend's mom want and have in store?

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This is a work of fiction unrelated to anything I have ever written, posted or shared, does not depict any person real or imagined, and any ideas, themes, situations or scenarios previously used by me or any other writer are coincidental. Any people, places, products or events mentioned, described or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement.

My name is John and I am 21, newly single and moving into an apartment across the street from my high school girlfriend's house. I am 6' with short brown hair, in good shape and work in the accounts department of a local car dealership. Yeah, I process the paperwork when someone buys or leases a car or truck... what can I say, it pays the bills. For the last 3 years I have been in a relationship with Carmen, a girl I met at college, but we recently broke up when she got a job in Oregon and decided to move there with her brother. This isn't about Carmen and we are still friends... sort of... but I took the abrupt ending of our relationship hard and have spent the last two months finding my own place, moving in and getting settled. All while working full time and trying to avoid my sister who insists on trying to set me up with her friends. I love my sister Sara with all my heart but the last time I dated one of her friends it got weird where the girl knew way too much about me thanks to my sister prepping her as if there would be a test. Sara also has this strange urge to set me up with her slutty friends so that I don't have to sleep alone and now and then it's cool but it's not what I want to be an everyday thing. I was sitting on my small ...

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