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Finding Kelsey 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 8153 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Dec 23 2015Views / Reads: 1248 / 954 [76%]Part vote: 9.73 (11 votes)
The title comes into play as John (and the readers) find out why Kelsey is so abrupt and passionate. Their feelings flash over even as Whitney seems to be interested and then out of nowhere comes Andrea in a surprising ending.

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This is a work of fiction that is unlike and unrelated to anything I have ever written, posted or shared, does not depict any person real or imagined, and any ideas, themes, situations or scenarios previously used by me or any other writer are coincidental. Again, the situations described in this story are completely unrelated to any described in any other story I have written or posted, so please treat recycled or refreshed scenarios as original when used in this story. Any people, places, products or events mentioned, described or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement.

If for any reason you are easily offended or take issue with reality being brought into fiction, do not read this part or any future parts. I have taken great care to research and portray Kelsey in the most possible light and this will make sense once you finish reading this part. All behaviors and characteristics have been researched, vetted and edited carefully to combine a real situation in a romantic and erotic setting so take a deep breath before providing any feedback.


My name is John and I am 21 years old, 6' in good shape with short brown hair, live in an apartment across the street from my high school girlfriend's house, and work in the accounts department of a local car dealership. Katie, my high school sweetheart, broke up with me after 4 years together and we went our separate ways for college. We got back ...

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