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For The Taking 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 7284 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jan 10 2016Views / Reads: 1964 / 1436 [73%]Part vote: 10.00 (9 votes)
Kaitlin is a sexy masseuse who loves life and making her customers happy and then she meets David and nothing is the same. A cute, funny, romantic story that combines seduction, tease and scorching sex with romance and humor.

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This is a work of fiction that is unrelated to anything I have ever posted and is not associated with anything I have ever written. Any themes, thoughts or scenarios are solely used in this fictional setting and I apologize if any part of this story mirrors something I have previously written or posted. I have the utmost respect for massage and massage therapists and this is just a fun, sexy story and nothing more, so please enjoy. Any people, places, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement.

My name is Kaitlin, I am 28 years old with short blonde hair, and I'm 5' 11" with a fit athletic body that I work hard to maintain. I have a large 34D chest that gets me alot of attention and usually gets in my way. Despite being young, fit, and shapely, I am currently single and I think it's the good looking curse where guys don't ask a hot girl out assuming she is taken or that she will say no. My dates usually don't end well because either the guy is a jerk or looking to hook up... usually both... and hooking up is not my thing... well, at least not since college. I am a licensed physical therapist and masseuse and believe it or not, porn helped me build my client base. Over the last 5 years my clientele has tripled thanks to the upsurge of massage and physical therapy themed porn online. On a couple of occasions, the massage has gotten steamy and things went past the massage and became a pretty intense sexual encounter, but for the most part I don't sleep with my clients and none of them treated me like a tramp or expect anything. I have however shaped my situation to add a little spice to ...

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