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The Rachel Effect 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 7631 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jan 20 2016Views / Reads: 2835 / 2371 [84%]Part vote: 9.92 (12 votes)
Andy's life explodes as his choice with Rachel changes everything and Julie makes a relationship altering decision that affects all three of them. Sometimes there is no going back. Romantic adultery as only I can tell it.

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This story is a work of erotic fiction with a side of romance and a twist of adultery. This is complete fiction, is not based an any person or situation and is entirely created and not meant to portray anyone real or imagined. Any character names, professions, situations or scenarios used, developed or mentioned in any other story I have written or posted are either coincidental or unrelated. Any people, places, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement.


My name is Andrew and I am 30 years old and work from home as a couples counselor and therapist. I am 5' 11" with short black hair, in good shape from daily exercise and enjoy a great sex life with my beautiful wife Julie. Julie is 29 and still looks 20 and is absolutely beautiful in every way. She has long, vibrant red hair, stands 5' 11" and was a jock all through high school and has heard every joke. If you tried to imagine a sexy aerobic or yoga instructor, Julie would come to mind, yet oddly enough, she's an accountant at a very successful firm. Julie has the fiery temperament that comes with being a redhead, and that combined with her insatiable sex drive and just trust me... Julie and I are very happy. Julie has a perfectly toned, shapely body, the most sculpted ass I have ever seen, firm, perky 32C breasts, and a million dollar smile that matches her crystal blue eyes. Somehow we never had kids, never had the fights about having or not having them... in fact, ...

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