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Sex starved women: 6> the MILF and the apprenticesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 5075 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 03 2016Views / Reads: 1385 / 1042 [75%]Story vote: 9.50 (10 votes)
Nothing to do with the TV series of that name, as Admin Assistant tutor, Jenny Tucker, presides over a class of young office apprentices, including the notably cocky Jason and his three friends, Mark, Tony and Ronaldo.

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Story outline: Nothing to do with the TV series of that name, as Admin Assistant tutor, Jenny Tucker, presides over a class of young office apprentices, including the notably cocky Jason and his three friends, Mark, Tony and Ronaldo.

After a 2-year extended maternity leave with our son, Trevor, I was finding it hard to get back into work. Then, and out of the blue, Amanda Jones, someone I hadn't seen or spoken to in quite a while, called me up with her news. She was expecting twins, she announced. I did my best to be positive, but there was more. She would be taking maternity leave herself, in a month's time, she informed me, and wanted to know if I would stand in for her during that time - 9 months at least.

"Sure. What is it, though?" I regaled and then enquired.

"Education," came her reply. No, I'd had enough of rowdy secondary school children, thank-you, as she well knew, so why the offer. There had to be more.

"Apprenticeships for 18 to 24 year olds in admin," Amanda told me.

When I gave up teaching, I moved easily into office work for a number of years. That's where I met my partner, Stephen, and together we've had two boys these past three years. ...

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