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No one can know... 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 6880 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Mar 28 2016Views / Reads: 1227 / 959 [78%]Part vote: 9.77 (13 votes)
Just when John thought he had everything, Amy breaks his heart and it all comes to an sudden end . Is his love strong enough to over come the heartbreak and what is with Amy and Frank? And why is mom running water?

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This is a work of fiction that is intended to be a romantic erotic story with themes and situations that could make some people uncomfortable. This is just a story, and I do not condone any of the thoughts or actions described, they are used for story purposes only. This part and some future parts will be romantic and sensual but may not have alot of actual sex, so please enjoy the overall story and the sex will come, let me assure you. Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement.

My name is John and I am 18 years old, active and athletic, stand 6' with a toned body, short black hair and a great sense of humor... I am also shy and still a virgin. For nearly two years I have been in love with my absolutely beautiful older neighbor Amy, and for whatever reason she tolerated me hanging around and staring at her. Until yesterday we were close friends and I was at her house more than mine, but other than some flirting, I knew it would never be what I wanted it to. Amy is in her early 30's , stands about 5' 10" with long blonde hair, a shapely body, amazing smile, long legs, a perfect ass and large chest that I would have to guess is 34D. Amy is funny and friendly, but guarded and is divorced and single, lives alone and keeps to herself. She's not weird or strange or different, and she doesn't have any cats, she just doesn't date much after her ex-husband abused her. Amy finally left him, took her savings and bought her house, and has slowly renovated it in her free time over the last couple of years. I have helped with much of that and over the past 2 years Amy and I have heard ...

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