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Naked in New York Part Onethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2471 words) [1/9] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Mar 31 2016Views / Reads: 3141 / 1941 [62%]Part vote: 9.74 (19 votes)
A young Kath is spending a college summer in New York, and an older man teaches her the joys of walk-around nudity between bouts of tender fucking.

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Naked in New York, Part One

During an encounter a few months ago with a first-time couple, the wife looked at me at one point ands shook her head. "Kath," she said, "it looks to me like you LIKE running around naked. I am OK with being nude in situations like this, but my friend, you seem to dote on it!"

I had to laugh, for the four of us wore not a stitch of clothes -- Hal, me, and the other couple, Jane and Fred. After a couple of good rounds of shared fucking, we had adjourned to the living room to have another drink and relax. No clothes, of course, which is standard procedure at our house.

Me and nudity. I had to stifle a grin. Yes, there WAS a story to be told. And this is what I related that evening.

At the end of my sophomore year in college, as an economics/finance major, I received the offer of an internship at the New York offices of a major brokerage firm. The position gave me the chance to see the "business" from the inside, and I accepted the offer without hesitation. Part of the deal was that I would have my own private apartment in a building where the firm rented a number of units for use by persons on temporary duty in the city.

The chance to live alone in New York, and to actually work on Wall ...

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