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Naked In New York, Part Sixthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1899 words) [6/9] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: May 08 2016Views / Reads: 508 / 330 [65%]Part vote: 9.62 (13 votes)
Conversation and some play-around touching ends up with both couples in bed, Phyllis and George demonstrating to young Kath the joys of watching other people fuck-

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Naked In New York, Part Six

As Phyllis and I left the bedroom, a thought brought me up short. Was her close hug a sexual advance? Did she sense that buried deep inside my psyche was an interest in same-gender sex? Had my fleeting past experiences with other women left an indelible impression on my sexuality?

Or was it the sort of casual hug that women exchange regularly, as an expression of friendship -- a woman's way of saying, "Hey, I like you! Let's be friends!"

For the moment, I chose to accept the latter interpretation. The Wall Street firm for which I was an intern for a couple of more months was filled with stuffed-shirt males who would surely frown upon a closeted bi-sexual intern. So I shoved the hug off to the side, and brought my mind back to the present: "Let's go check out the guys? Are they going to be naked also?"

Darn right, they were naked! Charles' living room had a couch along one wall, and a love seat (for two) and a couple of chairs facing it. And there were our men, sitting facing one another, coffee cups on the end tables -- and naked as two jay birds surprised in the wild! Oh, boy, let the good times roll!


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