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Mrs. Smith, the Retired Teacherthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 11485 words)

Author: Joshua
Added: May 19 2016Views / Reads: 1737 / 1457 [84%]Story vote: 9.82 (17 votes)
Tom meets his 8th grade teacher after more than twenty years. Can she still teach him a thing or two?

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I really didn't expect to encounter Mrs. Smith when I went to my four year-old's preschool party last week. The summer was ending and we'd finished all the family trips my wife and I'd planned to take, and so, it was time to ensure Freddy was enrolled and ready to begin his academic career. The elementary school he attends is no more than a five minute walk from the house, so, since my wife Julie usually travels all week for her work, and I'm at home as a freelance writer, it fell on me to get the little guy ready and to ensure he arrived at the school on time.

Because it was the first day of school, parents were allowed -encouraged, actually - to walk the little ones to their classroom, to make sure they understood there was no danger in being left with strangers, and to promise to be back on time at the end of the day. I knew Freddy wouldn't be a problem: even at age four, he already had an adventurous spirit that shone through in everything he did.

So, last Tuesday morning, with Freddy in hand, the little guy and I made our way to Brown Elementary to begin what I believed would be an incredible journey for my son. What I did not know was, with his mother gone for the next five days, I too would embark on a journey that would leave me in complete awe.

Freddy had come late in our lives. It's not that my wife or I didn't want children: we did. But with our work taking us in different ...

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