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Jamaican Desertthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3174 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Jul 14 2016Views / Reads: 3522 / 2608 [74%]Story vote: 9.20 (15 votes)
Theresa gets stoned and then fulfills a fantasy

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Caribbean Desert

"Do you want to go or not?" Theresa asked as she finished drying her hair. She adjusted her top, primping her generous cleavage and then fluffed her hair before looking in the mirror. A bright smile spread across her face and she nodded.

Theresa was two weeks past her 40th birthday but she looked much younger. Her pretty round face was devoid of wrinkles and she had a warm youthfulness to her pretty blue eyes.

"I think I'm going to stay here and hang out at the pool," her husband Jeremy said as he laid under the covers. He was nursing a hangover and hadn't been out of bed other than to pee all morning.

Jeremy was five years older than his wife and looked at least his age. His gray, thinning hair and dad body made him look every bit of fifty and many times in recent years people had mistaken the couple for father and daughter rather than husband and wife. They had been married for fifteen years and they had gone to Sandals Resort to celebrate their birthdays and anniversary in one fell swoop.

"Okay, but I'll probably end up at Diamonds International," Theresa teased as she walked into the dimly lit room with a devilish grin. Jeremy had opened an account with the well known chain five years ...

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