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Boy Meets Girlthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2035 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: smilychica
Added: Oct 23 2016Views / Reads: 2409 / 1394 [58%]Part vote: 8.00 (4 votes)
Hanna and David meet during a group meet-up and hit it off.

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Hanna and David met through one of those online group meet-ups. They hadn't talked online first, and didn't know what the other would be there, they just bumped into each other as the group waited for everyone to arrive. Hanna was actually quite intimidated by David at first site, he looked hard and dark but also had a small waiver of uncertainty, and that's what allowed her the courage to approach him. She asked if he was there for the event and when he confirmed she had him join the group she had been waiting with. He was very attractive at 6' and clearly athletic. His blond hair was spiked and he wore more metal rings than she did. She assumed there was no way he would be interested in her 5.5' athletic frame that was all focused on comfort and not on appearance. She hadn't planned on meeting anyone, she was just interested in the event. But life tends to give you just what you need, even when you don't expect it.

The group entered the sporting event and David sat and spoke predominantly with the man who had initiated the event and Hanna sat with the women at the other end of the group, but her eye did often catch David's. She realized that despite his hard appearance he was genuinely kind as many of the women in the group didn't dress appropriately for the chilly outdoor weather and he volunteered on numerous times to go and retrieve warmer tops for them. After the game ended the group split up into different cars and proceeded to a local dungeon. It was fate that put David and Hanna in the same car as neither had driven to the event and needed a ride. David and the ...

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