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Erotic Dilemmas: 9> Con’s on the runthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4658 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Nov 25 2016Views / Reads: 1416 / 1025 [72%]Story vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
Managing to escape an outdoor chain gang, the first thing the trio of black felons wanted was to get out of their bright orange prison duds. Having happened upon an out of the way homestead, they found the second thing they wanted in Alex.

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Story outline: Managing to escape an outdoor chain gang, the first thing the trio of black felons wanted was to get out of their bright orange prison duds. Having happened upon an out of the way homestead, they found the second thing they wanted in Alex.

Some 30 minutes had past, since Rufus, Trae and Ice D, with some help from their fellow inmates, had given the few prison officers who had supposedly been guarding the 20 man chain gang the slip. The three escapees were in open country with little except for fields and dust in all that time. What made things worse was their bright orange prison clothes, which stood out conspicuously. They felt certain that a police helicopter would presently be flying overhead, but they kept on running, all the same.

"I don't, huh, get it, huh," Rufus said, breathily.

"What, don't you get?" rejoined Trae, as he looked back at him.

"You, huhh, not being, huhh, out of...hold on," wheezed Rufus, before asking to stop. "Huh, huh, emn, breath."

"I kept myself fit, in shape," the tall well-built Trae exclaimed, his big black hands resting on his hips.

"Come on, guys," the third one, Ice D, called to them from the brow of a ...

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