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A Piece of Kandi 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 8733 words) [1/6] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Dec 17 2016Views / Reads: 4012 / 2940 [73%]Part vote: 9.50 (16 votes)
Everyone wants Kandi and she doesn't know what to do when they start taking her. A scorching, fast paced story filled with sex and seduction but no drama and minimal conversation. Enjoy and Happy Holidays.

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This is a work of fiction and is in no way representative of my view on women. The humiliation, scenarios, conversations and sex are all imaginary and created for plot and excitement, I would never advocate treatment of women in this style. That being said, upon reader request, I am attempting to tell a full speed sex romp with no drama, minor conversation, and minimal plot. This is supposed to be fun, funny, sexy, and hotter than fire. I have no idea if any of the situations I put Kandi through could occur, so please just read and enjoy. Happy Holidays and thanks for reading.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement. This is a work of fiction.

My name is Kandi and I am 21, single, blonde and 5' 7". I am petite, but shapely thanks to working out and staying active. Besides being short I have small but firm 32C breasts and what I'm told is a soft, flirty voice. I don't mean to flirt, it just comes naturally, but lately it's been getting me in trouble. I'm single and live with my best friend and her boyfriend, and they're both nice but hardly home. It doesn't matter because I have three jobs... sort of... and work what seems like all the time. My boss owns a pizza delivery place, a flower and gift shop, and a hardware slash dollar store. All three are in the same plaza and my part time job gradually turned into full time plus. I work cashier at all three places, close up alot, and make deliveries for all three businesses. I was cashing out a customer at the pizza place when Rob ...

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