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My Wife's Sister 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5774 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Jan 19 2017Views / Reads: 2413 / 2053 [85%]Part vote: 9.85 (20 votes)
When Stephanie gets her way, things start to go South, but Karen makes a shocking decision that turns the heat up for everyone in the house. Tease, Seduction, Adultery and Romance all in one story with even hotter parts to come.

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Not only is this a work of fiction that is NOT inspired by my life in any way, it is one of the most popular fantasies and cliches known to man. This has been done by many writers on TV, movies, books, even erotica... including me... but never from this perspective. Give it a chance to unfold and you will see how and why it is different, and with any luck, you should enjoy it.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned are done so without permission or endorsement of any kind.

My name is John and I am 30 years old, 5' 11" with short black hair, I'm in good shape and work as payment collector for the city. I work 9 to 5 with weekends and all Holidays off. Yeah, I get paid to send out notices and collect payments for taxes, water bills and so on. My wife Karen is a teacher at the middle school and she is not only my best friend and wife, she is my first and only lover. We met 15 years ago but didn't start dating until the beginning of our senior year. Karen is also 30, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and loyal to a fault. Patient, loving and wonderful in every way, I would marry her again if such a thing was possible. Karen isn't able to have children, so we don't, end of subject. Karen was and still is sporty, has long brown hair, is 5' 10" with an awesome body, and to me is perfect in every way. Karen and I have never had an actual fight, the two or three decent arguments all had the same subject... her younger sister Stephanie. ...

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