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An unexpected birthday surprisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 6437 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 26 2017Views / Reads: 3449 / 2910 [84%]Story vote: 9.88 (16 votes)
Angela and Rachel, friends since college, decide to throw a joint birthday surprise for their husband’s, Victor and Mark. All was going well until they gave them their main present, which, unexpectedly, was well received and enjoyed by the four of them.

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Story outline: Angela and Rachel, friends since college, decide to throw a joint birthday surprise for their husband's, Victor and Mark. All was going well until they gave them their main present, which, unexpectedly, was well received and enjoyed by the four of them.

Out of the two of us, Rachel and myself, I was very much the more organised. And the plan, more than an idea, I had come up with for our husband's forthcoming birthday's was in need of that, right down to the last, almost risqué, surprise we had agreed upon.

Mark and Victor, our husband's respectively, were born ten days apart. In previous years we would just go to one another's home and celebrate them one after the other. This year, though...!

I palled up with Rachel, who started a year later than me, when she was assigned to share my dorm. We got on immediately. She was a breath of fresh air after my previous roommate had been expelled. We met the guys, our future husband's, in the cafeteria. Quite dreamy then and still today, after six years together and married for three.

Before Victor came along, I was quite a horny slut. Admittedly, I let him get inside my thong then my pussy, which, of all the other men, he had made wet. I knew then that he was the one for me and, without being clingy, we started up a relationship.


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