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The Backdoor club: 1> A legal issuethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5733 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Feb 02 2017Views / Reads: 1271 / 822 [65%]Story vote: 9.60 (10 votes)
Turn of the 1990’s, England. Anal sex between heterosexuals is very much a crime. One couple, dedicated to the art of the butt fuck, however, came up with a solution, a sort of private club, you might say, for other like minded adults.

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Story outline: Turn of the 1990's, England. Anal sex between heterosexuals is very much a crime. One couple, dedicated to the art of the butt fuck, however, came up with a solution, a sort of private club, you might say, for other like minded adults.


Although Andrew and Zowie Davis came up with the idea, they, as a couple, took little or no part in the following six accounts of the club's most professional members, all of whom, like Zowie, have a predilection for anal sex; or, as the Americans euphemistically refer to it ‘Backdoor' sex, which is where the idea for the name came from.

It would be a good many years, six, in fact, before British adults could buy and watch hardcore films, including those featuring anal sex, and so lift the current ‘nanny state' illegality surrounding ass sex between heterosexuals. Until then, and being a lover of ‘bum fun', as she liked to call it, Zowie and Andrew decided to, not just break the law, but help other like-minded women embrace the pleasure of ‘backdoor' sex by setting up a private club; least that's how their advert in a free daily London paper read.

In order to prevent, more than dissuade, undercover police officers exposing their undertaking, the participant had to agree to be filmed for their initiation. Although America was known for officers breaking ...

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