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Taking Kevin 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4202 words) [4/7] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Feb 03 2017Views / Reads: 817 / 575 [70%]Part vote: 10.00 (11 votes)
The lust between Kevin and Trisha gets hotter while their love grows stronger, but a surprising discovery leads to a moment Kevin will never expect. Plus, Trisha has a surprise for Kevin that he'll never forget. Romance, lust and hot sex.

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This is a work of fiction inspired by a reader request for a specific plot as well as less morals and reality and more erotica and sex. I do not advocate anything I am about to describe or write, but certainly wish it was happening to me. I also do not think women are slutty or loose, this is just a fictional portrayal. Enjoy, and thank you for reading.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned or inferred are done so without permission or endorsement. This is a work of fiction.

This story will continue without recap or reiteration, and necessary recap will occur as conversation or as part of the story.

My name is Trisha, I am 31 years old, and I live alone in my family home while my retired parents are in Florida. They spend maybe five months a year up here in Virginia and the rest of the time down in Tampa. I am 5' 11" and in great shape thanks to plenty or exercise and a good diet. My only vice is soda, so I think I'm doing okay. I have long, light blonde hair and a nice body with long legs, a flat stomach and full 34D breasts. I work as a receptionist at a doctor and dentist office where both practices share the building and most of the patients. Until yesterday, I was single for more than a year because I just didn't need the drama and most of my dates led to exactly that... drama. I have a handsome young man who lives directly across the street named Kevin who has quietly and loyally waited almost two years, maybe longer, for me ...

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