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The Girl: Bonus Chapter Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3934 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Feb 03 2017Views / Reads: 1308 / 934 [71%]Story vote: 9.75 (24 votes)
I decide it is time for Jasmine to stop being a stripper and find a job that uses her degree.

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Someone asked me once how I write stories and I said that I came up with what I thought were interesting characters and then see where the story ended up. Sometimes, even I'm surprised. I thought I'd finished this story with the bonus chapter, but the characters had other ideas, so here is another bonus chapter, the final epilogue.

It was a couple of weeks earlier that we'd had an amazing weekend at my house. Sally, the woman from the plane, had come to a conference and it hadn't taken much effort to let me drive her back to my house. Meanwhile, Jasmine, the Chinese stripper, had come to visit the girl. Of course, with four people, there are a dozen combinations and we must have tried them all.

The girl caned Jasmine and sent her back to Chicago with a tiger-striped ass. To her surprise, Jasmine discovered that her tips doubled or tripled when men saw the stripes, and they all wanted her to dance for them. I assumed they wondered how they got there. Who caned her? Was she willing? How much did it hurt? That sort of thing. She realized that no matter how painful it was, she had to endure it every two or three weeks to keep the stripes looking fresh.

However, I had been paying some of Jasmine's tuition each month, and she had graduated as a molecular biologist. I decided, without telling either of the girls, that this would be the last time she got striped. It was time for her to give up her stripper life and get the first ...

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