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The Secret 8this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 6164 words) [8/9] show all parts

Author: jwdoney
Added: Mar 07 2017Views / Reads: 551 / 348 [63%]Part vote: 9.91 (11 votes)
Out of nowhere THE SECRET returns! With things spinning out of control, a final shock makes Jack realize he loves his step-sister Hailey, whether she's secretly a pornstar or not. The problem is, he has to convince Lexie and Kim to chill.

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Parts 1-7 of THE SECRET are in archive, and there is way too much to recall, so if you're new to this story, just keep reading as "Jack" will recall the important parts for you. Even though parts 1-7 were written in 2015, I am writing as if no time has passed and it is now 2017, so please forgive that and enjoy the story that several readers have asked me to continue. Also, there will always be a number missing in the parts, this is because I had originally written this story as a very risque mom son story and had to completely rewrite it to remove those aspects. THE SECRET ended up being one of my hottest and most popular stories, until I introduced too many lovers for Jack and initially saw no way to fix my mistake. Now, you the readers, especially those new to THE SECRET, will get to see how I rectify that issue and move forward will all new scorching chapters. Thank you very much for reading.

This is a work of fiction inspired by beautiful blonde Pornstar Vanessa Cage (Hailey) and this story is dedicated to her even though it is unlikely that she will ever read it. Incidentally, I am very respectful of all these ladies as women, and of their profession, and this is meant to portray these women as smart, sexy and fun, with no negatives.

Any people, places, names, products or events mentioned, especially actress Vanessa Cage, are done so without permission or endorsement.


This story is part of the EroticStories.com FanClub archive. Therefore, you can only see the first few lines. If you want to see the rest, you can join the FanClub.

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